Joshua Facemyer wrote:
I've created a revised roadmap page (http://wiki.inkscape.org/wiki/index.php?title=Roadmap_revised) with the proposed changes.
- Based on what was said until now, I think 0.48 should be an infrastructure work release. We should limit ourselves to merging GSoC work, changing to a DVCS, switching the build system to Waf or CMake, and unforking GDL. If we limit ourselves to those 4 tasks we MIGHT succeed in meeting the tentative 6 month deadline. I can take the build system work in addition to integrating my GSoC project, since I already did one overhaul some time ago.
- 0.49 and later can then concentrate on refactoring. I already did some work in the tools department by writing C++ classes to replace SPKnot, so I can work on improving the internal tools APIs in the 0.49 cycle: making each tool a C++ object, integrating clipboard handlers and toolbar creation into those objects so that most of the code related to a tool is in one place, creating context menus that are actually useful (when done right they could even replace the toolbox), and the like.
- "Support for creating dock items with named icons" is a GDL improvement, so it should be together with the other GDL item.
- It needs clarification what "Switch to the usual coordinates system" means. Does it mean making the dt2doc transform an identity?
- I have once drafted a roadmap update proposal but then forgot about it. It may contain some bad ideas, but hopefully it has some useful ones as well. It's here: http://wiki.inkscape.org/wiki/index.php/Roadmap_update_proposal
Regards, Krzysztof Kosiński