On Feb 21, 2006, at 6:06 PM, Aaron Spike wrote:
I know this has been mentioned before. Some people think it would be handy to save an SVG file from Inkscape as an XCF maintaining layers. I was going to have together a quick output extension in python and an accompanying script-fu for the gimp to make this happen, but I don't think we have the appropriate export options.
It would be really fun to have a single command to export all the layers at once to something like filename-0001-layername.png, but I don't know how widely applicable that would be. According to the man page, --export-id forces the object's bbox for --export-area. I think this makes what I want to do impossible. I would suggest we make canvas size ALWAYS default and add an --export-bbox option. This would mean more typing for the people who already use this functionality, but it would IMHO make more sense overall.
Aaron Spike
Given some of Bob's progress and roadblocks doing ODF, we might need to hook in some things more directly sooner than thought. This can benefit what you're looking at also.
And for robust XCF output, each layer can be a different size and location.