29 Mar
29 Mar
9:44 a.m.
Hi all, I'm translating keys.svg in Italian. I've found that the shortcut for "toggle grid and snapping to grid" is the #, which from the document seems to be mapped on Shift+3...
On the italian layout it's mapped only to AltGr+à (yes, strange key :), while on Shift+3 we have "£"... No other shotcut use AltGr combination, so I ask if is possible to change this shortcut to something more natural for us.
Thanks, Luc@
P.S. the translation is not yet finished, but i've attached my work so far, for the inclusion in CVS. I'm working on keys.xml, I'm right? I've found also keys.fr.xml, but I cannot find a makefile entry for it... How does it work?
.''`. ** Debian GNU/Linux ** | Luca Bruno
: :' : The Universal O.S. | luca.br(AT)uno.it
`. `'` | GPG Key ID: 3BFB9FB3 on keyserver.linux.it
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