Just a few quick notes on what I think.
Simple majority: We need to make sure we agree on the definition of this. Especially how to handle abstains. Are they counted for or against or not counted at all. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simple_majority defines most of this and I think it is the definition we should use.
I think there should be a seperate mailing list for votes i.e. inkscape-vote. That way votes don't get lost in the daily mails on the dev list. It also allows the record/process to be transparent to anyone wishing to see it.
Board Members should be on a 1yr/2yrs cycle. "Half" of the board should start with 1 yr terms and other "half" 2yr terms. At the end of the term the the board can call for a vote of confidence and by simple majority vote be extended into the next part of the cycle. i.e. if Ricky James is at the end of his 1yr term and the majority vote succeeds he moves on to a 2yr term or if it is a 2yr term onto a 1 year term.
The voting period and procedure must be announced at least 7 days prior to the voting deadline .
Thanks, Joshua L. Blocher verbalshadow