One of the issues we have is that many very significant things in the Inkscape code are done in a very "non-standard" way, which are also deeply linked to obscure/obsolete Gtk behaviors.

Before we can consider any change of Widget toolkit, we'd need to complete the code refactoring work. Unfortunately, that means suffering a few more of these "ugly" fixes in the medium term. Hopefully though, we'll end up with a much more stable and maintainable application.


On 7 Jul 2017 19:33, "Miguel Lopez" <reptillia39@...3425...> wrote:
For some reason, I can't send to inkscape-devel (I had this funny e-mail
message), but I would like to mention that if GTK isn't gonna work in
the long run, is QT an option in the future? Krita for example, the
potential new FOSS raster standard app over GIMP is using QT, and they
switched to it at some point. I'm not asking for short-term opinion,
more on the long-run side of the things.

On 7/7/2017 12:09 PM, Eduard Braun wrote:
> Ugh, so they're actually working *against* devs now... Have the GTK+
> devs ever tried to create software that has more then three buttons?
> If GTK fights us like this there's obviously only bad choices...
> One thought though: If we plan to continue to use as many icons as we
> currently do I'd not rule out option 2 just yet. It's obviously the
> cleanest and visually most appealing choice!
> The only downside I see is that it wastes a lot of space and would
> look quite strange in menus where there are no checkboxes / icons. But
> if there would be a possibility to remove the space reserved for
> checkboxes / icons if there are no checkboxes / icons in a given menu
> I'd say this would be the perfect solution! Then we maintain a clear
> look in menus with icons but don't waste space in menus without them
> Regards,
> Eduard
> Am 07.07.2017 um 17:27 schrieb Alex Valavanis:
>> Re Point 3... unfortunately, this is imposed on us by changes in the
>> Gtk+ API.  Basically, the left column is now reserved solely for
>> checkboxes/radio buttons and cannot be accessed via the API. Icons in
>> the left column are deprecated in Gtk+ 3 and have been removed
>> entirely in Gtk+ 4.
>> We came up with a list of options at the Hackfest:
>> Unfortunately, Option 5 is not possible, as the API does not allow
>> access to the left column.  We decided that Option 3 was the most
>> acceptable solution, although care should be taken to group indented
>> menu items between separators so as to look more aesthetically
>> pleasing.
>> Best wishes,
>> Alex
>> On 6 July 2017 at 21:28, Eduard Braun <eduard.braun2@...173...> wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> first of all I'd like to thank everybody for their contributions
>>> during the
>>> hackfest!
>>> As with all new code I noticed some regressions. As you probably
>>> know best
>>> on what parts of the code you worked yourselves I'll just list
>>> everything I
>>> noticed here, so you know about it and can attempt to fix it. (If I
>>> need to
>>> file a bug for any of those please let me know, but I hope most of
>>> those
>>> issues can be fixed easily):
>>> The Inkscape Window is not restored to the correct position anymore
>>> (probably related to
>>> On a multi-monitor system with two monitors oriented like [1][2]
>>> with [2]
>>> being the primary monitor the Inkscape window is restored somewhere
>>> on [1]
>>> if it was closed on [2], so probably the combined screen area is not
>>> accounted for when calculating positions.
>>> Some icons are broken or missing, see
>>> (there
>>> might be
>>> others, but those are the ones I noticed).
>>> During the hackfest menu icons were re-added. However on Windows I
>>> was only
>>> able to find them in a single location (the path menu). Aren't there
>>> supposed to be more icons?
>>> Also they look a bit weird (see
>>> Instead of
>>> using the space to the left they are indented like the rest of the text
>>> shifting menu labels unnecessarily to the right resulting in a very
>>> uneven
>>> look.
>>> If I notice anything else I'll report it here.
>>> If I can provide additional information or help with debugging
>>> please let me
>>> know.
>>> Regards,
>>> Eduard
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