What's involved in becoming a registered Mac developer?

I think there’s an annual ~$99 fee. 

Yip, top couple of Google results that I’ve skimmed:


Detailed build process: https://developer.apple.com/library/content/documentation/IDEs/Conceptual/AppDistributionGuide/DistributingApplicationsOutside/DistributingApplicationsOutside.html

Something for after getting a working package.

> If the other interested parties are ok with using gitlab then let’s get it
> setup.
> Let’s give them a couple of days to respond.

Ok, sounds good.

Does the gitlab outages affect this suggestion at all?

Is the project planning on using Gitlabs CI system? Skimming <https://about.gitlab.com/gitlab-ci/> it looks like you have to self-host the runners (build agents.) Ok, found this thread (https://github.com/travis-ci/travis-ci/issues/5931) that gives some details. There are free, shared runners, but only for linux. 

I like CI, it keeps me honest. But worst case, primary hosting on gitlabs, secondary on github, use Travis with the github mirror for Mac builds. Git makes multiple remotes pretty straight forward :-)

The Travis OS X support page looks pretty good (https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/osx-ci-environment/) - looks like they have the current OS release, and the previous two available, and brew available to install tools and dependencies.

Hosting on Gitlabs and using Github as a mirror/CI system could be a nice backup strategy.

It depends of course on how you want to invest your energies and how 
urgent your needs are. That said, from the projects' perspective having 
Gtk3 OS X packaging ready for 0.93 is the more strategically important 
since it will be the longer term need. And to my knowledge no one is 
working on it at present, so it's a clear area where help is needed. 

I’d much rather work on something that helps this long term.

Right now, the brew tap that was created solves my personal and immediate needs. I’ll look into means of supporting other local Mac users when that crops up. By then I might have enough knowledge to at least build everything into a single directory and provide a bash script + icon for them to use in the interim.