On Mar 18, 2008, at 4:13 PM, jiho wrote:
Oh and by the way, does GTK have dynamic menus, in the sense that the menu shows something in its default state and shows something different when a modifier is pressed. This would allow to show [Save as CTRL+SHIFT+S] in the default state, and when ALT is pressed, show: [Save a backup CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+S] This makes more functionality fit in less menu space and hides some complexity from the first sight. I am not sure it would be the best option for this particular one but this was an opportunity to ask.
You've just hit on something that drives usability and documentation guys I know nuts. Dynamic menus...
They might save a few pixels on screen, but confuse people looking for things. "I know it was here, but I can't see it..." and "*Where* was that menu item?", etc.
It can actually increase complexity to have something autoflip like that.