First : about layers.
- The layer indication in the bottom of the window is not clearly displayed. I think it is linked with the fonts used. Thought it had already been submitted and fixed, but in fact no. See the small capture. (layers.png)
-> Do I submit a new bug ?
Someone reported that it can be fixed by rc file editing, but I think this was not done. Please file a bug.
- I'd like being able to rename the layers. It is ok from the xml editor, but I think it would be a good idea to be able to do it from the layer menu ?
There's a verb for this already afaik, just need to add a menu command.
- Last point : would it be a good idea to have a layer dialog (a bit like align/distribute...) ? I think yes, some people prefer having simply menu and shortcuts ?
Sure, but not in 0.40
Then : something I've noticed because of the different length of words according to the various translations. See small capture (trad2.png)
Actually that should more correctly be translated as "Changer", not "Changement". Hopefully Changer will fit in there :) And the "New" should be "Creer" I guess.
I had to use a fixed space there because it switches between Change and New and I want both to occupy the same width. I should have measured the width of the longest of the two labels in the current language and use that instead. I'm not sure if this is possible in GTK.
Final : (for Frederic) Bienvenue instead of Bienvenu would be great :) (I'm taking a look at the translation at the moment). Will give my a more detailed review later. (see trad1.png)
You could just edit the latest translation file and submit it to patch tracker.