On 11-1-2012 15:08, Defiant00 wrote:
Having just tried both the nightlies and the latest version of Synfig I wanted to come give some feedback.
I believe one of the main uses for Powerstroke (at least how I'm hoping to use it) is to be able to modify stroke width while still maintaining the ability to fill the original shape; whereas the current implementation applies both stroke and fill properties to the powerstroke as if it is a shape (which I realize it is).
Would it be possible to either modify this behavior or provide a toggle? For me the ideal behavior would be what Synfig does; which is the equivalent of the powerstroke fill being set to the path's stroke color and then the original path being filled with the original fill.
I realize I can do this manually by duplicating the path then applying the powerstroke to the topmost path, but then the shapes are not linked, which isn't ideal for future edits.
I'm afraid this cannot be done with LPEs. The result you want to obtain (variable stroke on a filled object) cannot be represented in SVG as a single path. Therefore, it cannot be done with an LPE. There is however a trick that we can play..... I could make an LPE that simply outputs the _original_ d from another path. Effectively cloning the _original_ path data...
Ciao, Johan