My understand is that CR will be filming at the Hackfest. Chris, I
just added you to the project's Google account, which will give you
owner access to both the G+ page and YouTube
channel. I'm happy to upload the videos if you run into any
issues, but you should have what you need to upload them directly
It would be great to keep people updated
via social media. If you want to post with your personal social
accounts, we'll try to boost the posts with the #InkscapeHackfest
tag in them. If you have access to the official accounts, feel
free to post directly so we can keep people informed about what is
happening. People love visual content, so take lots of pictures!
If there is anything I or anyone on the
Vectors team can help with, let us know. Thanks to all of you who
are sacrificing to be there. I hope you all have a fantastic time!