Le 31/08/12 17:45, Alexandre Prokoudine a écrit :
You can have correct CMYK values in Inkscape right now. This is not a problem at all. The problem is in exporting.
Straight CMYK-pdf export from inkscape would sure be very nice.
In the meanwhile using Scribus seems to be the preferred way to export print-quality CMYK pdfs; and is sometime required, if the svg is only part of a composition.
One of the pitfalls is the need to verify/convert the "RGB-from-svg" colors to CMYK ones, at every import/update of the svg graphics. I might be missing an obvious step here..
If the step is actually missing, wouldn't storing the raw CMYK color values in the svg from inkscape, and reading them back in Scribus, be an easier step before a full print export from inkscape ?
Inkscape and Scribus are very related for libre-print workflow, and a lot of features/planned features seem to overlap (pdf export, mutli-page, vector edition, vector rendering), each software having it's own (very strong) benefits. Svg 2.0 draft with CMYK support could opens an "official" link between the two.
How are the communities/devs related ? Are there any discussions to help inter-operability or develop overlapping features in common ?
Software inter-operability is a strength and big lock-in of the proprietary-workflow. Technically it should be less difficult to address in an open format and open source environment, but i guess it requires much social work/coordination too..
- Slightly related : The layer panel could gain a lot of usability if it
was possible to display hierarchically not only layers and sub-layers, but also groups and objects. File structure and applied filters/blending modes could be more understandable and discoverable IMHO. The Blender Outliner[1], might illustrate the idea. It helps to understand/display the file structure, and see the applied filters/modifiers in a glimpse.
Cool ! I guess i should start diggin/diffing the code then ! No knowledge for now, but eager to learn !