Hello, Our student project is now finished. Thanks to our mentor Johan, our work is now in main trunk. For us it is a real pleasure to see that.
Our goals were :
- LPE stacking : Check it out
- LPE for groups : has already been committed
- LPE envelope : we created 2 deformation effects, the first one
is "Envelope", the second is "Lattice" and is based on the d2sb2d object from 2geom. They are not designed for the same use. Indeed, while the lattice offers an accurate deformation, this deformation is only determined by control points. It also allows the user to move inner control points, which can't be done with the Envelope deformation. The power of the Envelope deformation is the absolute control of the shape of the envelope.
All this is excellent, excellent news! Thank you for all your contributions! I'm pretty excited, and I look forward to trying them tomorrow!
How about some screenshots by the way, for a formal announcement as Inkscape news? ;) As for the praise your teacher gave you, I have no doubt it is well-deserved!
Any plans in particular from now on (apart from LPE bug-fixing, that is)?