If your "doxyfile" config file specifies smartly enough which files should be covered and which aren't, @file is not necessary at all.
I've used doxygen on Java, C++, and C files on several projects, and have never needed @file.
If all you want to document is API's then the .h files are enough. Doing the .cpp files is useful for the hyperlinked, cross-referenced html copy of the source.
On 11/7/2008 9:36 PM, Peter Moulder wrote:
On Fri, Nov 07, 2008 at 04:10:44PM -0800, Jon A. Cruz wrote:
So a rationale for having it on separate lines is that we don't have a single 'object' that is "/**...@...2069...", but rather two separate objects, one "/**" that is "start of magic comment block" and one that is "@file" and is "here is the magic comment to apply to the whole file.
I'm not convinced of the importance (I'm not sure I understand what JonCruz means by `object'), but have no strong opinion on the question.