I've been informed offlist that the previous email sounds a bit sarcastic, when I meant it with sincerity. 

So I'd like to clarify: It's my view that we are all on the same side, wanting to help Inkscape users, and the project as a whole. I commend all efforts to do that (for whatever that's worth to anyone). :) 

That at least was my intent, and I apologise if my words did not convey the correct tone. 

Words in letters in words. 


On Tue, 19 Nov 2019, 22:25 C R, <cajhne@gmail.com> wrote:

> It roundly violates Apple's own current UX documents. But whatever. I see this is a sore spot, so I'll leave it alone.

If you have a factual citation, please enter it at the issue report, and let's discuss it.

Happy to discuss this with you offlist - it's irrelevant to the project and the issue whether Apple does or does not follow it's own HIG.

> We are volunteers trying our best to help.

Yes, we are. I'm one of those volunteers doing my best to help.

And you are succeeding. 

Because you took time to fill out the bug report, the issue will not just die, or wait around for someone with a kinder more cooperative attitude to point it out. 

That's why I'm willing to discuss it with you for the sake of our MacOS users and not just return to the many many other things that require attention.

I think you should feel good about that.
Keep it up.


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