On 02/04/2009 04:23 PM, bulia byak wrote:
I think filters are sufficiently complex, different from everything else, and have enough support in Inkscape now, so they deserve to be treated more like a top-level entity. In particular, I propose to add a new menu, Filters, before Effects. It would contain:
- All the submenus with preset filter that are now in Effects>
Filters. Ivan Louette is working on a huge and exciting expansion of that hierarchy, adding lots of powerful new filters. It's obviously too deeply hidden now, it deserves more visibility as one of the most important 0.47 additions.
- The "Filter Effects..." dialog command which I propose to rename to
"Build Filters" or "Filter Builder" or something like that. The current name is not very descriptive and even a bit misleading due to the word "effects" which refers to too many too different things in Inkscape (once again, let me reiterate my old wish: rename "Effects" menu to "Extensions", that is what they are!). The typical workflow would be to first choose one of the presets, then if needed, go to the Filter Builder to adjust the preset or start a new filter from scratch.
- The Remove Filter command.
I'll be interested to see that filter hierarchy expansion. My preference on the "Filter Effects..." rename would be Filter Builder because it sounds catchy and different (therefore marketable) in English. As for the Effects menu rename... I've been torn on this for a while and extensions really is a more accurate name. Otherwise, all of the things above sounds good by me.
Cheers, Josh