On Thu, 4 Nov 2004, MenTaLguY wrote:
Date: Thu, 4 Nov 2004 19:21:36 -0500 (EST) From: MenTaLguY <mental@...3...> To: bulia byak <buliabyak@...400...> Cc: Inkscape inkscape-devel@lists.sourceforge.net Subject: [Inkscape-devel] Re: layers again
On Thu, 4 Nov 2004, bulia byak wrote:
I added manually
<g id="l1" title="Layer1" label="Layer1" inkscape:groupmode="layer"> ... </g>
around the content of a file.
That reminds me ... we could really use a "make sublayer from selection" action or something similar.
"New Layer from Copy Ctrl+J" and "New Layer from Cut Ctrl+Shift+J" work rather well (see Adobe Photoshop (7.0) or my scripts for the gimp:) http://matrix.netsoc.tcd.ie/~horkana/dev/gnome/gimp/script-fu/script-fu.html (python-fu version of "Layer from" also available)
Other raster application like Paint Shop Pro have something like Promote selection to layer but having used both I've got to say I prefer the way photoshop does it because I think gets you closer to where you were going anyway (I liked it so much I implemented it twice). I hope you'll try out my scripts to get a better feel for it before you make up your mind how to implement it.
<title> is an SVG element, not an attribute (I originally made that mistake myself), and label is not part of the SVG standard at all; it's
attribute in our own namespace. Try inkscape:label="Layer1"
FWIW, there's an important difference of purpose between <title> and inkscape:label...
I dont understand why you cannot use the group id directly as the layer name. Jasc Webdraw has a tree view widget, somewhat reminiscent of a layers dialog and the id's are the labels (although i think it automatically forces you to replace spaces with underscores).
Alan Horkan
http://advogato.org/person/AlanHorkan/ Inkscape, Draw Freely http://inkscape.org Free SVG Clip Art http://OpenClipArt.org