Hi all,
Sorry to post this here, but today Mental posted in the devel list that 0.44.1pre1 is beeing released, althought nobody seem to react to a critical bug report in the bug tracker at sourceforge. I am talking about bug 1535218 (or should I actually call it a regression as it didn't appear in 0.44 release and was introduced in later devel builds) is beeing fixed by someone? I reported it 10 days ago, and it seems that no one is interested in fixing it... But for users, it is a showstopper, as it occurs always when the object's fill gradient is applied to object's stroke (steps to reproduce are described in the bug tracker, see http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1535218&gro... )
It is still present in today's inkscape-0608151000 build, and I'd hate to see this bug make it to 0.44.1 release...