On 09/10/2013 04:14 PM, Josh Andler wrote:
Hey Sebastian,
Great work so far! I just want to throw out there, Shift+Click to add connector points seems like a non-obvious and bad way to add points. It really seems like a click (vs click-drag) should just create a point (unless you're hovering over an existing point, then it should just be selected or activated to have a connector start there).
I see the problem. I do not really like this solution myself, but I think using plain clicks would be even worse. During testing I found the single-click point creation extremely annoying when modifying a selection. The other tools that allow single-click object creation (curve, pencil etc.) unlike the connector tool do not allow object selection. I rather break with the single-click object creation pattern that is used everywhere else than with the single-click object selection pattern.
Additionally, I don't think it's terribly useful that a person can create a connector without the context of connection points (I could be wrong about this).
What do you mean by this?
BTW, the click vs shift-click issue is based on the usability a couple other tools, shift+click is to select more than one of something rather than create something (again, I could be wrong but I think the selector, node, and gradient tools are good reasons to remain consistent).
Cheers, Josh
Thanks, Sebastian