-----Original Message----- From: bulia byak [mailto:buliabyak@...400...] Sent: donderdag 10 januari 2008 4:04 To: Inkscape Devel List; Diederik van Lierop; Engelen, J.B.C. (Johan) Subject: grids, guides, snapping UI
Hi guys, overall you did a terrific job on these features, but I have several comments/questions on the UI:
Doc prefs:
- "snap guides while dragging" option does not seem to work -
no snapping to grid, other guides or objects
- can we disable the remove button when there's nothing to
remove in Grids?
Tried it, but the code that is there now does not work for some reason.
- can we give grid names that at least reflect their type, e.g.
AxGrid2222 or RectGrid2222 instead of grid2222?
Inkscape assigns an id to the grids automatically, I do not know how to hack into this (I just add a inkscape:grid leaf to the XML, and inkscape automatically generates grid****).
- why two checkboxes, "enabled" and "visible"? what's the difference?
It's not clear. I propose to rename them to "Snapping enabled" and "Grid visible". Also if I uncheck "enabled", visible does not work - why? if that's intentional, please just gray out the rest of the grid options when "enabled" is unchecked.
It is working as intended. "enabled" used to be "snapping enabled" and act correspondingly, however I found it annoying. Will try *just* graying it out, but past experience tells me the UI does not listen very carefully to my wishes...
- why there's no option for hex grid to show dots?
Please implement it if you want it :P