ok -- you shamed me into it - at least giving it a try.

Oh - I'm so sorry… (-; - and happy you jumped onboard.
I should go into recruitment…

Didn't have a macports installed so that was a pain --  ~120 dependencies and 3 Gb later we're almost ready to start the real business.
Quick question - gtk2 installed +quartz+no_x11 without a murmur using macports - does this mean that the necessary patch is preinstalled now or should I uninstall it and use the procedure you wrote up in the wiki?

Are you talking about this patch:

http://trac.macp orts.org/ticket/22451

yes, that's the one

This one should be applied, as otherwise you are likely to build gtk2 and inkscape, but inky will crash during launch. 

ok I'll fix that

Did gtk2 install automatically during these installations:

sudo port install autoconf automake
sudo port install librsvg libwpd libwpg libcroco
sudo port install libxslt boost boehmgc gtkmm lcms intltool popt
sudo port install cairo +quartz+no_x11 cairomm pango +quartz+no_x11 poppler +quartz gtk2-clearlooks

gtk2 came in as a dependency of poppler

In that case I should swap order, as gtk2 needs an awful lot of time.

Probably a good idea.  

Now for the critical bit ~ actually working on Inkscape

Best -
