On 9/25/07, jiho <jo.irisson@...400...> wrote:
Hello everyone,
As I mentioned earlier, I updated Inkscape description at Apple downloads. The description was taken from the text on the main page of the site and now that I played a bit with it and compared it to other software, I tend to find it quite verbose and technical. This text is what people will copy paste to describe Inkscape (as I did) and does not look to appealing to me. For example I don't think there is enough emphasis on the UI which is one of Inkscape greatest strengths while some very basic things (shapes, paths, etc) are mentioned while they can be considered self evident.
I agree. I rewrote this front page text already (long ago), it used to be even worse :) Now it's a good time to revise it again. I just thought we'd wait for 0.46, because it will have to be changed then if only to add new formats (PDF and AI import). If you want to take a shot at it now, please feel free to publish your proposed variant on the list, and create a temporary wiki page so anyone can edit it.