Thanks Bob, I suspected it was something simple like that. Everything seems OK now. thanks again. Erik
----- Original Message ----- From: "Bob Jamison" <rwjj@...127...> To: "erikhalbert" <erikhalbert@...68...>; inkscape-devel@lists.sourceforge.net Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2006 5:45 PM Subject: Re: [Inkscape-devel] Where has the tool set gone?
This is one of the pitfalls of using the testing nightlies. Things can quite often be broken. What you're seeing is what happens when the enumeration of the Verbs is changed. I noticed that this happened again a few days ago. A simple "make clean" took care of it, and things are OK again. Try http://inkscape.modevia.com/win32-snap/Inkscape0603260310.zip ...which works fine on my pc.
For the people doing automated nightlies, it is probably better to do an 'svn export' of a fresh copy instead of an 'svn update'. It's slower, but, hey, if it's 3am and you're asleep, who cares? :-)