Hi, I've a case of quirkiness: I set a grid in mm and the X spacing is set to 0.3761mm. On the canvas, there is a visible difference between 0.3761 and 0.376 but when i close and reopen the file the value is cut to 0.376mm.
I thought there was some conversion of mm->px and that the stored value was in px, but opening the SVG in a text editor reveals the value stored is 0.376 and the unit is mm.
So i wonder why it is possible to store a value in px with 4-decimal precision but not so in mm. For some reason is not possible to store 4 decimals for millimeters... I can set values with 4 decimals in px or " just right --i've another grid set to 0.0625in (1/16 of an inch) without problem.
Is there a conversion somewhere -which I'm unaware of- cutting the last decimal? Should I resort to doing the conversion from mm to px to achieve more precision?
Best regards.