Hi, all. It looks like a change that occurred in rev. 15821 has caused some big performance issues when using the Tweak tool. In sp_item_update, this block of code is called with every update:
if (item->display && item->display->arenaitem) { NRRect item_bbox; sp_item_invoke_bbox(item, &item_bbox, NR::identity(), TRUE, SPItem::GEOMETRIC_BBOX); NR::MaybeNR::Rect i_bbox = item_bbox; nr_arena_item_set_item_bbox(item->display->arenaitem, i_bbox); }
and this is making the Tweak tool very slow to respond. Is there a better way of computing the SVG bounding box for the Arena item on an as-needed basis, rather than with every update? Also, I looked at other places that used item->display and that seems to be a linked list instead of just a single item.