On Wed, 2016-05-04 at 12:49 +0000, Ivan Louette wrote:
Could it be possible to discuss this bug before 0.92 release
It's evidently linked to changes in the units area after 0.91.
This is more due to changing the units inside the template files. Setting the "user unit" to 1mm in metric based templates and 1in in inch based templates seemed like a good idea but I am wondering if it would be better to keep the "user unit" set to 96 per "physical" inch.
It would be very difficult to make all the "built-in" filters give the same behavior with different values for the "user unit" (all the relevant filter primitives would need to be adjusted).
Fortunately a workaround exists (it's described inside), but without any info users could be very disappointed when applying filters linked to units.
Thanks a lot in advance, ivan