On 1/9/11 09:47, Wilfried Kirschenmann wrote:
The following svgz file : http://dl.free.fr/hYWUU9wMI can be correctly viewed by inkscape or any web browser. However, when I try to export it as a pdf, the plots diseappears.
Hence, I can't use the pdf+Latex export...
I have tried Inkscape 0.48.1 on Windows 7 and Inkscape 0.48.0 on debian 6.0
This file is generated with gnuplot 4.4 pl 3. I d'ont know if this svg file is well formed (and there is a bug in inkscape) or not (and there is a bug in gnuplot).
Any idea on how to export this file to pdf+Latex would be appreciated.
AFAICT the first occurrance of this transformation:
(applied to a clone <use>) prevents any content from getting further processed or exported to PDF. To me it seems a bug in cairo, not inkscape's code [1] - rsvg-view (librsvg) exhibits the exactly same issue: it doesn't even render the content in SVG after the first occurrence of the 'scale(0.00)' transformation in the file and rsvg-convert produces the same result in the (SVG converted to) PDF file).
It seems to me that GNUPLOT uses white color and scaling to zero to hide elements (plots) in the output file instead of omitting them.
[1] Other SVG viewers (Squiggle/Batik 1.7, Chromium, Opera, Safari) render the SVG file like Inkscape - only rsvg-view and rsvg-convert (using cairo) seems to have an issue with the scaling.