On 10/13/07, Donn <donn.ingle@...400...> wrote:
- Clones break when you move them to new layers. If you cut/paste them, or
just shift pgup/pgdown them, all clones become groups.
That's strange. Please file a bug with the example file and steps to reproduce.
- Measurements: If there were at least a ruler tool that could be measured in
length (at any angle) rather than the width/height of it's bounding square, it would really help in designing accurately when things don't remain square. Better yet, a way to get the length of a section of an element - perhaps by selecting nodes and having it show the lengths in a readout somewhere. Or, when you draw a line it could show the length along with the other usual info.
Of course you can if you use Pen tool, and you can even use Pen for measuring distances and angles. Click in one point, move around, looking in the statusbar. If you don't want to create a path, just press Esc.
- A label near the W/H display which auto-calculates the area of a thing; at
least for rectangles and three node shapes. More complex shapes would be good.
That's a good idea. I think it can just be added to the tooltip.
- A way to group objects *across* multiple layers: I wanted to clone my
entire plan which has many layers (one for lights, one for doors, one for walls, etc.) so that I could rotate it to face North-East. I wanted to be able to work within the original group and have the clone reflect the changes in scale, shape and movement I make. But as soon as I group my plan, all the layers snap to one layer.
That's not possible, because groups and layers are XML elements, and XML elements cannot overlap, only nest into one another.