28.04.2016 1:30, Martin Owens пишет:
On Wed, 2016-04-27 at 22:42 +0600, Dmitry Zhulanov wrote:
So from command line I can open .svg files then use any count of of 300+ verbs and then save the result to .svg with any filename. And only one instance of Inksape will be used. Thats what I need :)
This inkscape scripting using a verbs file would indeed be very useful. If you can separate out the yaml work from the verbs work, we could probably get the verbs work code reviewed and submitted more quickly.
All yaml parser sources taken from official page http://pyyaml.org/wiki/LibYAML and I put them to src/yaml
If I understand this all correctly.
(Unless the file is being read in via yaml... then I'm not sure because there's an aweful lot of code there to load yaml files if that's the case and we should probably use an external library)
No requirements for external library, I linked yaml parser statically.
Can someone else review and comment on this thread to back up what is understood here?
It would be grate! P.S. I also add handling of SaveAsPNG xverb in repo
Best Regards, Martin Owens
Best Regards, Dmitry Zhulanov