On 2008-March-21 , at 17:14 , Miklós Erdélyi wrote:
In the last two years I have participated in GSoC working on Inkscape's PDF export/import features. This year I would like to participate again, wrapping up these :) My project proposal would be based around the previous two summer's work, mainly improving the PDF import and export extension. Regarding PDF import I propose:
- to establish an embedded font framework,
- to implement CMYK support as soon as we decide how we're going to
need it :)
- to fix bugs related to the PDF import extension (free time
activity?). The embedded font framework for the PDF importer would allow importing of text as either text, either path or as text with embedded SVG fonts. Using embedded SVG fonts could join Juca's SoC project of implementing this crucial missing feature in Inkscape. Some of the design work of this framework has already been done. Regarding PDF export I propose
- to incorporate Cairo's user font support (soon to be released) to
export SVG fonts,
- to optimize the renderer for the now-improved Cairo PDF backend,
- to fix various stuff related to not passing the SVG 1.1 test suite
either due to missing stuff in Inkscape (like not handling the preserveAspectRatio attribute for svg:pattern and other elements) or due to bad implementation of the Cairo-renderer for PDF export,
- and to fix bugs in LP in connection with PDF export.
What do you think about these? Which ones are worth a SoC project? I would appreciate any suggestions :)
As a user of those functions, I think it would be great. PDF is omnipresent today and having first class support for it is great (I'd say we're already in Buisness class right now but I would not mind getting an upgrade ;) )
One small suggestion regarding PDF import while I am at it: in some PDFs generated by Cairo, the font style is all in the <tspan> element and the <text> element is just a container. After import Inkscape renders them correctly but, when selecting the text object with the selector tool, the info text at the bottom or the text and font dialog just display it as having the default style (Bitstream vera sans, 12 px)because the <text> element indeed does not have a style. It would be nice to copy the style info from the <tspan> to the upper <text> node so that editing in Inkscape is easier.
JiHO --- http://jo.irisson.free.fr/