On Mon, Jul 24, 2006 at 12:22:00PM -0500, Ted Gould wrote:
On Sun, 23 Jul 2006, Aaron Spike wrote:
Well, my script runs well enough from the command line, but fails miserably when called from the Effects menu. I actually looks like there is code written specificly to prevent editing the defs via effects. See http://inkscape.modevia.com/doxygen/html/classInkscape_1_1Extension_1_1Imple...
BTW, when I comment out those 4 lines the script works to change a markers to match a stroke with a solid color. I'm not sure what happens with gradients.
Hmm, I can't remember why specifically, but for some reason I thought copying defs caused problems... But, that might have been before we added the "destroying the document" signal. Specifically "ReconstructionStart" and "ResconstructionFinish". But, according to Doxygen that signal isn't referenced anywhere (I'm pretty sure it is though, I can't remember where). I think that may have 'fixed' the problem, although the protection wasn't backed out.
My feelings are, if it works, test it some more, and then check it in :)
Sounds good. This'll be a nifty thing to be able to do with extensions. :-)