Hi all,
Tomorrow we're going to be progressing to the next phase of the release, but beforehand I want to check if anyone is doing feature development work and wish for a freeze exception.
This isn't necessary for bug fixing work - if you're just doing bugs, please keep on trucking.
Also, this is not for *new* features - if you are starting on any new ideas (even if they're just enhancements to existing features), PLEASE do this work on a branch, or locally; do not commit them to SVN head.
So, if you're working on a feature, can you please tell me at this time? Also please report:
* Current status * Anticipated date of completion * Issues that must be solved before release
I'll assemble these exception requests into a list, so as people watch the SVN traffic and see changes that are not merely bug fixes, they can use the list to see if the changes are acceptable. If you're not on the list, your changes will risk being backed out.
I don't anticipate rejecting any exception requests, although if the anticipated date is too far out, or the list of issues is lengthy, we may need to pow wow on how we can put additional focus on getting the thing ready in time.