Hi devs !
In these weird times, I hope you're all well and healthy, as well as your families, Inkscape is a community before anything else so the well-being of everyone is a priority.
This year we have seen a great increase in the number of applicants to the summer of code, and to make the most of it, we need mentors :)
Mentoring a student takes time, and there is a strong incentive to have co-mentoring or backup mentors to ensure students have people they can go to if they have questions and to make the life of mentors easier :) .
So if you know the inner workings of the code and/or are or used to be a regular contributor, and if you are willing to try to (co-)mentor a student this year, please step up and contact me :)
Mentor guide : https://google.github.io/gsocguides/mentor/
*Mentor*: Mentors are people from the community who volunteer to work
with a student. Mentors provide guidance such as pointers to useful documentation, code reviews, etc. In addition to providing students with feedback and pointers, a mentor acts as an ambassador to help student contributors integrate into their project’s community. Some organizations choose to assign more than one mentor to each of their students. Many members of the community provide guidance to their project’s GSoC students without mentoring in an “official” capacity, much as they would answer anyone’s questions on the project’s mailing list or IRC channel.
(alex and tweenk, there are people applying in your areas of expertise (gtk and boolops), so if you feel you'll have enough time and if you want … ;) )