--- Jon Phillips <jon@...235...> wrote:
bulia byak wrote:
I think few people will bother downloading 0.39.5. It sounds way too much like a bugfix release
Yeah, IMO 0.40 is better and definitely a deserved full-point release.
agree with both of you, theres quite a bit of new functionality in there, enough to justify the full point in my opinion.
I disagree. Our bug tracker is frightening. Lots of mysterious bugs which I don't know how they are possible at all. Lots of unconfirmed bugs. Lots of just plain very hard to fix bugs.
Not surprisingly, as very little attention was paid to the bugs in
last couple months.
We need more help with that. I want to ask everyone who is capable
running current CVS to browse the bug list and comment on as many
as possible. Just test it and report if you can reproduce it or
and if you can, provide as much details as possible. Focus on
bugs, but also on any bugs without comments or with comments to the effect of "can't reproduce".
Will see if i can have a try at reproducing all the non locale dependant windows ones in the next few days, although I havent got a printer atm so cant do any print ones either.
There are fewer crash bugs listed than we've had in the past, and most of those occur only in special situations (such as Win32-only),
I don't think Windows users will agree to be treated as a "special
situation" :)
Yes, win32 needs some love :)
and from the SF dl stats windows could be as much as 1/2 our userbase, I know this is distorted by the autopackage, aptget etc dls that linux users do, but that will be balanced somewhat by the nightly builds of ishmals. Whatever the actual figure is, 10,000 dls is a lot to be considering a special situation. Admittedly tho, its kinda hard to fix windows bugs when theres virtually no one developing actively on it. Feel free to ask me for help testing any specifics, I'm not the best programmer in the world, but if you want someone to try breaking stuff, I'm your man :)
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