Aaron Spike wrote:
Ted Gould wrote:
Also, you might try playing with:
917 Glib::spawn_async_with_pipes(Glib::get_tmp_dir(),
The call there is the working directory that things are called in. Perhaps on win32 that should be "C:\Program Files\Inkscape" or something?
Is it possible to call the scripts with the full path of the script?
Aaron Spike
Hi, AC:
Sorry if this email is poorly formatted. But apparently, nightly Thunderbird is a bit buggy. I'm typing this on PsPad. I've been trying to reply to the "win32/python" thread all day, but Thunderbird has been crashing.
The script path should always be relative to where Inkscape.exe is. That way we can have some consistency among shells and interpreters.
Python25.dll is not found by PATH. Rather, we want it to be in the default path of the executable. Why? To avoid version incompatibility problems. You should be able to have Python 2.4 or 2.6 on your box and not have problems with our Python 2.5 interpreter or environment.
We do not find Python.exe via PATH. What Inkscape does is to add /python to the application_path at startup. This is done via code that writes to the Registry at startup. /python and /perl are added to the application_path this way. This preempts PATH and basically has nothing to do with it. Also, the CurrentDirectory() on win32 is set to the directory where inkscape.exe is.
So, when Inkscape shells out, it is like: python some/script/path/script.py
...python.exe, python25.dll, and the script should all be found.