On 15-Oct-2013 12:22, Johan Engelen wrote:
I am very excited about C++11, and hope we can start using it ASAP. Even a small subset would already be awesome.
This grey haired maintenance programmer thinks it is still 2-3 years too soon to be allowing in code that requires a C++11 compiler. New language release capabilities always look great on paper, and sometimes they actually even make for better programs, but getting them isn't worth trading off the advantages of being able to use the older compiler and library versions which may be present on some platforms. If history is any guide 4-5 years is roughly how long it takes for a new language version to become "pervasive". Moving to it before then tends to desupport too many old(ish) machines.
David Mathog mathog@...1176... Manager, Sequence Analysis Facility, Biology Division, Caltech