On Fri, 21 Jan 2005 02:33:21 +0100, Andreas Nilsson <nisses.mail@...563...> wrote:
Well, it was I that poited out the bug/feature in the chatroom. Before the change the stock items seemed blurry because they were scaled down from 24x24 (the normal resolution for buttons) to 20x20. As you might notice they are much crisper now.
Yeah, but at 30x30 they will be crisper still :)
I think they just need to be designed with a smaller size in mind. I.e. simpler, with less cruft and unneeded decorations.
The other thing I encountured, and the real reason I brought the issue up, was because I was trying to make the icons in the menus bigger, from 13x13-14x14-something to 16x16.
With this I agree, menu icons can be made a bit larger. But not by much.
icons was making them very hard to differ from eachother (especially the zoom icons).
Exactly. As I said, just make them more laconic and this will fix it.
The Gimp has an approach where you can choose between small and default icons for the toolbar. Maybe something like that would work?
As a long term (after-gtkmm) goal, sure.