On 21/12/2007, jiho <jo.irisson@...400...> wrote:

On 2007-December-21  , at 13:59 , Juan Miguel Ramirez wrote:

> Another error:
> juan-miguel-ramirezs-imac-g5:/opt/local/bin yomizmo$ sudo ./port
> deactivate glib2 @2.14.4_1
> --->  Deactivating glib2 2.14.4_1
> juan-miguel-ramirezs-imac-g5:/opt/local/bin yomizmo$ sudo ./port
> activate glib2 @ 2.14.2_0
> --->  Activating glib2 2.14.2_0
> Error: port activate failed: Registry error: glib2 2.14.2_0 not
> registered as installed.

The error comes from that above. The advice in the bug report was to
reinstall an old version of glib2 *if you had one*. When MacPorts
installs a new version of some package it does not uninstall previous
versions, it just deactivates them and activates the new one. Hence if
you have a problem with the recent version you can always go back to
the previous on. But if you are on a fresh install, you do not have a
previous version, hence nowhere to go back to.
        port installed glib2
should tell you wether you have alternative versions installed. For
example I have:
$ port installed glib2
The following ports are currently installed:
   glib2 @2.14.3_0 (active)
Which means I only have one version of glib2 and that it is currently
active. If I had several you would have seen:
$ port installed glib2
The following ports are currently installed:
   glib2 @2.14.2_0
   glib2 @2.14.3_0 (active)
for example. I would have deactivated version 2.14.3_0 and activated

So back to what you did: you deactivated glib2 but did not reactivate
another version, meaning that you left your system without glib and
the rest of the errors are caused by this.

There were some other advice in the thread on how to fix the problem I
think. You may want to look into them now.

I have only glib2 @2.14.4_1
I have to install an old glib without that bug but it doesn't seem to be very easy( i'm trying anyway ;) )

BTW, did you update macports, maybe a fix is in already:
        sudo port sync
        sudo port selfupdate

No, I tried before :(

Good luck.
