On 3/10/09 07:54, Wolf Drechsel wrote:
On 2/10/09 23:42, ~suv wrote:
this is most likely bug #400165 "Binary Inkscape dist crashes when MacPorts is installed": https://bugs.launchpad.net/inkscape/+bug/400165
and here is a bug where the same happened on Tiger: https://bugs.launchpad.net/inkscape/+bug/183322 comments 7-14
The fix is to change the 'Contents/Resources/etc/fonts/fonts.conf' inside the Inkscape 0.46 package as described by Michael Wybrow in bug #400165 comment #4:
The problem is Inkscape trying to read incompatible fontcaches from Macports. The fix is to modify Inkscape.app/Contents/Resources/etc/fonts/fonts/conf to remove the following line: <cachedir>/opt/local/var/cache/fontconfig</cachedir>
you made my day - early in the morning! - Your hint did it!
A little time I was afraid of now being tied to my home-brew forever…
Should this line be permanently be removed in any inkscape release?
as is noted in both bug reports the fix was committed (in rev. 21860). i.e. any binary package for Tiger >= 0.47pre2 includes it.
Currently there's only a 0.47pre1 Tiger available on sourcefourge.net - it will need to be 'patched' manually if running on a system with MacPorts installed. Any future prerelease and release packages (for Tiger and Leopard+) include the fixed font configuration file.