Chris Morgan wrote:
This is the most important part. There's a significant quantity of new content needed for the website which just hasn't existed before. I think the main thing we need is just lots of basic content which can be refined later. Most of the pages aren't created yet; some have been designed but don't have all their content yet.
Agreed completely. As I said on the user list, much of the text on the brand new pages was written by me for the mockups (I'm a terrible copywriter, so there's unfinished Lorem Ipsum and blah blah stuff), and much of the other stuff was brought straight over from the current site - some serious tidying is in order, and will help speed things up significantly.
About > Overview: we'll need the video, but the content's about done
Sent out another request on the user list for screen bites yet. Maybe if someone posted to Deviant Art? Or twitter? Or facebook or flickr or any of those other social websites I don't use... We need the stuff mentioned in this doc:
About > Features: need some more content About > FAQ: ignore what's on this page at present; it's just a port of the content from the wiki. We want more useful stuff here.
What we need are actual Frequently Asked Questions - what questions plague the lists/IRC/forums/etc? A FAQ section is of little use if it doesn't contain stuff people are always wondering about...
About > Testimonials: need some testimonials! Even as simple as - "Uh, Inkscape is incredibly cool." Community > Get Involved: approximately done, I think, and ready for translation
The Get Involved page needs finishing - I didn't have a clue what to write in the "Test & report bugs" and "Code & develop" boxes. The text in the "Translate" box is a bit dodgy too...
All up, the project is going well and is almost ready for initial deployment after some more optimisations, testing (functionality and stress), a couple more features in news - and content. Please help with content!
Yes, please anyone who is willing to create, edit, refine, or translate content, you are most welcome to join us!
Cheers, Hinerangi Courtenay (duckgoesoink)