Being said that, we still find valuable our proposal as our approach is focused not on features but in global usability.
As we promised, today we kept working on our UX/UI proposal for Inkscape. We’ve been working on a proposal to redefine main structural areas and on organizing the tools.
This email is just a summarized status of the project. We are writing a design guides documentation and we will publish this extended version as soon as possible.
About the structure, our goal is to define different action areas so it could help not only at organizing the current content and features but at providing a recognizable pattern for the user. This pattern should also facilitate the developers the decision making about where to place new features. We’ve made a working session with the UX team and here you can find a wireframe that summarizes our conclusions.
Tools organization
And we did sort of the same thing regarding the tools. Our conclusions:
So what’s next?
Tomorrow we will work on a general design focused on visual details. Being this finished, we will have accomplished our goal for this week, that was delivering to you Inkscape guys a full and reasoned redesign proposal.
No need to say that we are extremely excited about this project and that we would love to have feedback from you about all this. How do you see the proposal so far?