Use Pageant, the PuTTY authentication agent (I had trouble getting it working but did finally get it with help from irc://
Also TortoiseBZR simplifies a little bit of the process.
Thanks, I just got one step closer. I got an SSH key and recorded it with
Launchpad. Now my command history is as follows:
C:\Program Files\InkscapeBZR>bzr whoami
C:\Program Files\InkscapeBZR>bzr launchpad-login apenner
Connected (version 2.0, client Twisted)
C:\Program Files\InkscapeBZR>bzr branch lp:inkscape
bzr: ERROR: Connection error: Unable to authenticate to SSH host as
supported auth types: ['publickey']
The email address apenner@...2293... does not exist as far as I
can tell, not sure where that came from. Also my username in Launchpad is
accidentally different than it was in SVN, not sure if that is significant.
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