
ok, I restored construction lines (with minor modifications detailed below). The beginning of this was that I was trying to simplify the UI, and I end up with one more button than before!! I should stop simplifying things, or they'll quickly run out of control ;-)

for those intersted in more details:
Each component of the input path used to carry the same number of construction lines. This was (not intentional and) terrible in the case of short components. So this number is now dispatched over the entire path. Moreover, placement randomness did not have it's own random generator, which was kind of a bug: it is now fixed, with the extra by-product of a new parameter that let you interpolate between regular and purely random placement.

I did several experiment trying to improve placement, but could not find good heuristics yet... Curvature does not seem to be the right thing to look at: it's not that intuitive, getting rid of scale dependency is not straightforward, and of course it has numerical stability issues and slows every thing down. Maybe intertia momentum of the overall picture, or of some piece of it is a better strategy. Anyway, should we have an enhanced placement strategy, I think it would be proposed as an alternative to the purely random thing, but would not replace it --- so it's more or less safe to restore the random thing ---.

After all, random placement is not that bad, if you bear to click sufficiently many times on the dice until you're happy with the result (and eventually to split your input to separate regions with or without construction lines...)

Cheers, jfb.