On Wed, 18 Feb 2004, Charles Goodwin wrote:
I'm hoping that the lead developers will start to put their heads together on issues like this to form an official roadmap and guidelines for the GO applications to aspire to. Your input on this could be crucial given your projects potential importance through providing the graphical canvas.
I believe that GO is not looking to envelope applications like Inkscape or Conglomerate. Instead, I think GO is looking for input on collaborating to the distinct advantage of the current and prospective member projects.
Rodrigo told me he to go step by step, and I agree this is the best way to make progress. It is now a case of gathering the projects of potential for GO together to start moving step by step towards a common path, towards a greater goal.
I had a chance to talk with a few of the Inkscape developers, and I think you're right that going step by step will be the best way to go. Inkscape is still a young project, especially compared with AbiWord and Gnumeric, so we're still feeling our way around, and getting a handle on our own internal roadmap and development goals. So moving step by step will give us time to gain some self-definition.
Particularly, it would be of use to have some clearer explanation of the specific and tangible benefits of being part of a suite, as opposed to simply using similar underlying libraries and following similar guidelines.
One area I hope Gnome Office establishes a solid, well researched strategy is with Open Office (and perhaps also with KOffice). Despite the various things people dislike about OOo, it has a definite lead in many areas, which means that there is non-trivial risk to projects that seek to compete head-to-head with it.
Taking off my Inkscape hat and putting on my OSDL hat, a piece of advice I can share - From what I've been seeing and hearing in relation to OSDL's Desktop Initiative efforts, 2004 is likely going to see some strong pressures towards consolodation at the desktop level. It sounds like Freedesktop is going to play a key role in this, which is why I'd strongly suggest building a very good relationship with them.