11 Dec
11 Dec
2:45 a.m.
On Fri, 2015-12-11 at 02:27 +0100, Jabiertxo Arraiza Cenoz wrote:
I just commit a fix, I hope is not a problem is a short diff.
Thanks Jabier, I've added some cleanup since there's no point in doing the setup twice.
While playing with the code I noticed that it might be possible to use the new knot to do the whole arbitrary angle thing in the future. Obviously it'd be a full feature with a decent amount of work. But probably useful if the snapping could work (my play through setting the normal point was interesting but pointed out that snapping wasn't great, the point isn't saved in the svg, and doesn't even make much user sense atm)
Something to ponder for anyone wanting something to hack on in inkscape.
Best Regards, Martin Owens