Aaron Spike wrote:
Python Extensions on Windows
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Bulia reports that extensions that rely on PyXML still do not work on Windows. Due to the number of python extensions, this would be a major missing feature for Windows users.
I can not reproduce this report. I just tested Daniels build dated 0605020200 and Bob's build dated 0604281723 on a freshly built computer that has never seen the light of Python. I experienced no errors and the effects I tested functioned properly.
Python extensions work just fine, and have been working for months. I installed PyXML in the copy of python before adding it to the gtk bundle.
I suspect (but am not sure) that the problem might be that some users have python installed independently of Inkscape, and that the other python.exe is in the PATH, and that their copy of python does not have PyXML.
If this is the case, then I suggest that we experiment with launching python and perl scripts via the embedded interpreters rather than shelling out.