On 2/16/11, divyanshu bandil wrote:
I am second year student at NSIT, Delhi, India pursuing Bachelor of Engineering Course in Electronics And Communication. Being an engineering student and a programming enthusiast I would like to contribute to your project Inkscape under Google Summer of Code. I have certain level of experience in programming in C/C++ and would be interested in learning new programming languages as required for your project. Please guide me through the process as i am genuinely interested in the project.
Hi Divyanshu,
Thank you for your interest!
Some initial information on development is available in out wiki:
What we discovered is that the best way to get started with development is to try fixing some small bug that you care about. As soon as you have questions regarding some parts of code, don't hesitate to mail to this list.
Alexandre Prokoudine http://libregraphicsworld.org