On 3/2/08, Michael Yinger <myinger@...1834...> wrote:
On 3/2/08, bulia byak <buliabyak@...400...> wrote:
On Sun, Mar 2, 2008 at 7:26 AM, theAdib <theadib@...1439...> wrote:
I would promote the latest version.
So I vote for release 0.46 without windows and shift a 0.46.1 ASAP
I disagree. This will defuse the bang. Piecemeal one-platform-only releases will fizzle without attracting much attention. Remember, it's not an availability issue: those who need it can get it any time already. Making a release is primarily a way to make noise and attract new users (and eventually developers). For this, we must run a single concentrated, polished, coordinated campaign. This means no missing platforms and no severe regressions, among other things.
First, I'm not suggesting I deserve a vote in this decision, I just want to offer up my point of view FWIW. Bulia is right about releases being marketing events, especially for companies that build their brand around that sort of thing like VisualStudio, but I doubt that Inkscape can attract more graphic design users through a release than getting the app into the hands of two major Linux distros. Six months is a serious chunk of market penetration time in web years. If you are going after developers you are doing a good job with SVN and your wiki. As a new user, I'm going to jump on based on my needs and who well I see them expressed in Inkscape. I think you could do a lot more on your front page to blow your horn. I've been pleasantly surprised to find just how powerful a platform you've built upon and into and around called Inkscape. Your better application architects than you give yourselves credit for. Respectfully, Mike Yinger, http://www.ticketprinting.com
BTW, I know the difference between "your" and "you're", I just can't teach my fingers.