Man, reading these comments is fun. Did you all see that we are being included in this interesting collection of apps for windows users?
Also check the numbers...I think I'm in favor of beginning to advance our version numbers higher up like firefox did, thunderbird, and gimp. Although numbering is quite superficial, maybe we should start doing full point release releases after 0.40. Maybe the next one is 0.50, then next 0.60, etc. (HINT: I'm working on the roadmap rework right now)
I am making the official push that our 1.0 of Inkscape is full 1.2 SVG compliance. By this, I mean we can accept and render a SVG 1.2 file. I think that developing the editing around this is important, but it is more important that we handle SVG 1.2. Maybe though someone can argue for Inkscape 1.0 being able to both render and edit an SVG 1.2 file.
However, our system works currently, so why change it, right? I do think though that we need to get a supa-advanced version of Inkscape out the gate as Microsoft is going to drop their WVG (their SVG makeover) soon, and then we know what that means...
I keep seeing in comments people saying how our app is very well developed for such an early release thus implying that the app is new. The public perceives an app through maturity on many levels. What do you all think?