On Sat, 2009-09-12 at 21:48 -0700, Joshua A. Andler wrote:
Thanks to Adib's question... Let's start the discussion.
What else folks? These items are a *minimum* before pre3 can be branched... and pre3 needs to be it, then the release.
1. Fix to bug 382313 Image Filter broken for extrernal images
The problem has been localized to matrix inversion in lib2geom. Waiting for a patch from lib2geom experts. I have a quick and dirty patch if none is forthcoming.
2. Fix to bug 167472 save as dialogue, duplicate 'Compressed Inkscape SVG' entry
~suv notes that that both svgz_output.inx and svgz_input.inx in share/extensions are redundant. They have been replaced by internal extensions (src/extensions/internal/svgz.h and svgz.cpp). He's tested their removal on OS X Leopard.
3. Fix or disable export to POVray.
Output is broken in 0.47. Bob Jamison was going to look into fixing it. I just sent a query to him about this. If it isn't fixed it should be disabled.
4. Optimized SVG output export failing.
It seems that the file yocto_css.py is not being installed (missing entry in share/extensions/Makefile?).