Fractal noise is, channel by channel i.e. before
mixing with alpha, centered around 128, Gaussian (or pink) noise using 128 as
zero point.
Turbulence comes by taking numerical value
of this (again 128 as zero point) and interpreting the result with zero point out
in one end, so it cannot be centered around 128. Fractal noise comes
closer to, what you expected from turbulence.
The fractal noise is also known as “Perlin
Noise” after Carl Perlin, who invented it in the 1980es. He has made a
better version – simplex noise – later, but that was after the old Perlin
noise was adopted by everybody. Simplex noise does not give the artifacts with the
systematic white pattern, you can see in turbulence.
There is a description of simplex noise
From: jf barraud
Sent: 25 June, 2009 07:53
To: inkscape-devel
Subject: [Inkscape-devel]
turbulence filters
Isn't our turbulence filter producing darker output than expected? The attached
svg file is borrowed from the w3c test suite, and also contains the expected
png output: our render looks draker.
I bumped into this trying to use turbulence as a displacement map: the
displacement always globaly shifts the image downward and to the right. This is
because the avarage value in each turbulence output channel is not 128 but much
I think this is a bug... (maybe premuliplied alpha versus normal alpha color
Am I wrong?